youth moving tables

St. Mary's Youth Volunteering Program

The St. Mary’s Youth Volunteer Program

This program provides opportunities for our high school students to complete volunteer hours. This year, we will continue with the program, adding monthly meetings where youth can learn more about their faith and why we give to others. 

Our first meeting will be on Saturday, September 16, at 2 p.m. at the Parish Hall. We hope to see you there.

The program will provide different activities where student members from our parish can complete volunteer hours.

  1. Helping during our Fellowship Sundays
  2. Office work - shredding, stapling
  3. CWL Flea Market and other activities
  4. Garage Cleaning
  5. Parking lot fundraiser


The pre-requisites for students to be able to participate in this program are:

  1. Complete and submit a Volunteer Form/Package to the Parish Office.
  2. Attend the monthly meeting.
  3. Attend Sunday Mass.
  4. Complete Registration Form Below


