Jesus Washing Feet

Seeing Jesus

Przesłane : Mar-24-2021

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

In today’s Gospel we hear that in the midst of a festival there are
some Greeks who turn to the Apostle Philip and say “Sir, we wish
to see Jesus.” What a wonderful simple and yet profound
statement of truth and faith. Do we also wish to see Jesus? Next
week we will enter holy week with the celebration of Passion
Sunday (Palm Sunday).

For this coming week let us reflect on how we too wish to see
Jesus. Do we seek to see Jesus in our lives, in the faces of our
loved ones, in the encounters we have with others, in the
Eucharist we participate and in the Eucharistic Host we receive in

Yes, let us reflect on how we seek the lord so that next week we
might seek Him in his Passion and death on the Cross.

Fr. Liborio