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Thanksgiving Message from Archbishop Leo

Przesłane : Oct-06-2023

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My dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus,

On this Thanksgiving weekend, I wish to extend my prayerful best wishes to the entire Catholic community throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto and to all persons of good will. It is an opportune time for us to reflect and give thanks for the abundance of blessings that have been bestowed upon us by Our loving Lord.

In families, we think of and are grateful for the loving care provided by parents, grandparents and children who support one another, share the faith and strengthen the family bond.

In our parishes, we are appreciative for clergy, our shepherds, and for staff, volunteers and parishioners who provide a place of welcome, prayer and peace.

In our religious communities, we rejoice in the prophetic witness that is given, the vows being lived out, the common life and the apostolate that together show, in powerful ways, the face of Christ to the world.

In our schools, from elementary to university and seminary, we say thank you to the Lord and to educators and for all those who, in many ways, nurture and guide students in their journey, helping to foster a spirit of devotion, learning and community.

I also wish to extend my thanks to the many Catholic health and social service agencies, who selflessly serve the poor and marginalized among us each and every day, and through which the healing touch and welcoming heart of Jesus are made manifest.

On this Thanksgiving weekend, let us find opportunities to extend our gratitude to others, reflecting the mercy of Jesus to all those we meet; and most of all let us, with the song of Mother Mary, sing the praises of the Lord and magnify Him with a spirit of thankfulness for all that He is and accomplishes in our lives and in the Church.

Know of my prayers and thanks for all that you do to strengthen our faith community and build the Kingdom of God among us especially in this month of October dedicated particularly to the Holy Rosary and to the missions.

Yours Sincerely in Jesus with Mary,

Most Rev. Francis Leo
Archbishop of Toronto